Wednesday, September 30, 2009

2 Neph 2 ~ Act for Themselves

For the past two days we have been talking about 2 Nephi 2 and trying to understand that Heavenly Father has prvided all things necessary for us to choose freedom and eternal life or captivity and death.

We talked about the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement - how they all fit together, they cannot be separated. There cannot be one without the other. Then we watched a video about the power to choose, laws, knowledge of good and evil, and opposition.

Today we discussed these questions: (I'm not going to give you the answers - search for yourself then you tell me)

1. Why must there be an opposition in all things? (2Nephi 2:10-11, 15)
2. How do laws help us gain eternal life? (2Nephi 2:13)
3. What part does Satan play in our agency? (2Nephi 2:16-18)
4. Why is it important that we know good from evil? (2Nephi 2:5, 18, 26)
5. How did we get the power to choose our own destiny? (2Nephi 2:16, 26)
6. How can making correct choices bring freedom and making incorrect choices bring captivity? (2Nephi 2:26-30)

After we discussed the questions I reminded them of the continual lesson being taught in the Book of Mormon - OBEDIENCE.

Then came the challenge - prompted by the spirit - BE 100% OBEDIENT TO YOUR PARENTS AND YOUR TEACHERS FOR 1 WEEK! The parents they didn't bauk at but when I said teachers - there was murmuring!!! So tomorrow I will add to the challenge - they must be obedient WITHOUT MURMURING!!

I challenge you as well - Be 100% obedient - in whatever stage of life you find yourself right now - 100%. I'll check in with you in a week to see if you were successful :) Good luck friends!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

2 Nephi 5:5-9

In these verses in Chapter 5 the Lord warns Nephi to take all those that would follow him and flee into the wilderness. They were to flee from the wickedness and evil of his brothers Laman and Lemuel.

There are times when it is necessary to physically flee from evil. Then there are times when we are not physically able to flee from wickedness. Here is a quote from Elder Richard G. Scott on how to protect ourselves:

"God has provided a way to live in this world and not be contaminated by the degrading pressures evil agents spread throughout it. You can live a virtuous, productive, righteous life by following the plan of protection created by your Father in Heaven: His plan of happiness. It is contained in the scriptures and in the inspired declarations of His prophets…

"Avoid worldly wickedness. Know that God is in control. In time, Satan will completely fail and be punished for his perverse evil. God has a specific plan for your life. He will reveal parts of that plan to you as you look for it with faith and consistent obedience. His Son has made you free – not from the consequences of your acts, but free to make choices. God's eternal purpose is for you to be successful in this mortal life. No matter how wicked the world becomes, you can earn that blessing. Seek and be attentive to the personal guidance given to you through the Holy Spirit. Continue to be worthy to receive it. Reach out to others who stumble and are perplexed, not certain of what path to follow" (Ensign, May, 2004, 100, 102).

I love how he says that the Lord created a plan of protection for us! Might I suggest that it could be summed up into one word: OBEDIENCE.
Over and over again in the scriptures we learn that those who are obedient are blessed and prospered, those who are disobedient are cut off from the Lord – they cut themselves off through their disobedience.

That is the lesson I'm striving to teach my students this year – Obedience brings freedom and blessings – Disobedience brings captivity and heartache. This is the lesson I'm striving to teach my children and my grandchildren through my example. I pray the Lord will bless me and strengthen me as I strive to be obedient!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

2 Nephi 2:2

Part of this scripture states: "he shall consecrate thine afflictions for thy gain".

In 2 Nephi 2:2 Lehi stated that the trials we endure
can turn to our benefit (see also D&C 98:3). Elder
Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
explained how a sense of gratitude enables us to see
our hardships in the context of our purpose here on
earth: “When we give thanks in all things, we see
hardships and adversities in the context of the purpose
of life. We are sent here to be tested. There must
be opposition in all things. We are meant to learn
and grow through that opposition, through meeting
our challenges, and through teaching others to do
the same” (in Conference Report, Apr. 2003, 103; or
Ensign, May 2003, 97).

Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the
Twelve Apostles explained that God provides
us with challenges that are designed to help us
grow spiritually: “Just when all seems to be going
right, challenges often come in multiple doses
applied simultaneously. When those trials are not
consequences of your disobedience, they are evidence
that the Lord feels you are prepared to grow more (see
Proverbs 3:11–12). He therefore gives you experiences
that stimulate growth, understanding, and compassion
which polish you for your everlasting benefit. To get
you from where you are to where He wants you to be
requires a lot of stretching, and that generally entails
discomfort and pain” (in Conference Report, Oct.
1995, 18; or Ensign, Nov. 1995, 16–17).

I especially love the part in Elder Scott's quote that says "When those trials are not consequences of your disobedience, they are evidence that the Lord feels you are prepared to grow more".

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Are you a Laman and Lemuel or a Nephi and Sam

Today the kids had to look at a picture with hidden pictures - you know the ones. I just gave them the picture - asked them what they saw. Then I gave them a list of the hidden pictures they had to find.

Then we talked about the difference in how Laman and Lemuel viewed the wilderness experience and how Nephi and Sam viewed it. We read 1 Nephi 17:20-21 for Laman/Lemuel's take on it - then compared that with 1 Nephi 17:1-3 which is Nephi's take on it. The exact same experience with much different outcomes. We talked about how murmuring just prolongs your "pity party".

And we talked about 1 Nephi 17:45. Why couldn't Laman and Lemuel believe as Nephi - because according to verse 45 they were "...Swift to do iniquity but slow to remember the Lord your were past feeling..."

I ask you - ARE YOU A LAMAN AND A LEMUEL OR ARE YOU A NEPHI? Something for you to ponder today...

One more assignment - search verses 1 & 2 then see the lesson learned in verse 3 (chapter 17) "Thus we see" in the scriptures means a lesson is taught and learned. Let me know what you discover!

Tomorrow..."Can you hear the still small voice or are you in a spiritual dead zone" - complete with my very own Mormon Ad!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Iron Rod part 2

So today we talked about their experience with their Iron Rods yesterday. We had a great discussion about the reaction of their school mates when they would tell them what the rod stood for. Some of their friends thought it was a pencil, some an eraser. Some of the teachers made them put them away. I asked them if it was a hard experiment. Selena said not as hard as she thought it would be. Lexi had conversations on the bus. Some of the acquaintances responded with "I didn't know you were a mormon"! What a great lead in to our discussion about example.

I told them that now those people know that they are mormons and they WILL be watched. We talked about how now that people know they are a mormon those people will be watching to see if they do something that mormons aren't supposed to do (according to their knowledge). They will watch to see if Tayler or Lexi or Cooper or any one of the kids do something - and they will think - if she does it then it must be okay and I will do it.

I think overall it was a great experience for them. I hope it is something they will remember for their lifetime. Today we talked about repentance being the way to grasp ahold of the rod if you let go.

The spirit was there at the end of the class as I bore my testimony of my knowledge of the Savior and the love he has for those incredible kids who try so hard to do what is right. And as I bore testimony of the power of the Atonement and how I know in a very real and personal way how the Atonement changes lives! How grateful I am for the hard things that I had to suffer to gain the testimony that I have today of the Atonement.

Tomorrow will be a Scripture Mastery day complete with donuts :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Iron Rod

Today we talked about the symbolism in Lehi's vision about the Tree of Life. We talked about the importance of holding on tight to the Iron Rod. I gave them each an "Iron Rod" - a 6" piece of a dowel that I painted silver. Their challenge: to hold the rod for 24 hours - take it to school with them - eat with it, sleep with it - don't put it down for 24 hours. Tomorrow we will share insights and experiences the had with their Iron Rod! I'm anxious to hear their experiences!

Book of Mormon Year

The greatest blessing that comes to me because of teaching Seminary is my increasing love for the scriptures and the words of our Latter-day Apostles. Every day in my studying I find something that I want to share with someone or that I want to always remember for myself. So out of that is born this blog.

I truly am grateful for this calling. It is by far the hardest calling I have had. But the blessings I am receiving far outweight the challenge. And so I am most grateful that the Lord entrusted me with this assignment.

I came to know the Savior in a very real and personal way last year as I taught from the New Testament. And now this year as I teach from the Book of Mormon I am learning of it's power in a whole new way. My testimony is being strengthened as I read, ponder, and pray.