Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Come Unto Christ

I have felt, since my call to teach Seminary, that no matter what the subject matter was that I was teaching, my greatest assignment was to help these youth learn and understand how to "Come Unto Christ". It weighs heavy on my mind as I prepare my lessons and try and relate what the subject matter is to coming unto Christ. I feel heavily the stewardship. My testimony of Jesus Christ and the principle of obedience and discipleship burns in my heart and my desire for these precious youth to feel the same is overwhelming. The desire for my own children and grandchildren to understand and embrace these principles is just as powerful.

The personal struggles I have had since moving to Montana have been great. But I have come to know that it is through these struggles, through the crucible of my life that I have come to know the Savior in a way that never would have happened if I had stayed in Idaho. I have come to understand more fully the principle of obedience to the commandments as taught in the scriptures. I have come to more fully understand the calling of a disciple of Christ. I am coming to an understanding of the principle of submitting my will to His will and letting Him make of me what He needs me to be. I have a long way to go with this submitting thing but I know of the patience of the Lord and His continual loving push to get me to submit.

I my studies this morning for Seminary next week – we will be talking about Alma and Amulek – I found this article. I was drawn to it because of the title ~ "Come Unto Christ". Then I read this…

"In our quiet moments of reflection, we can search our thoughts for the way to Christ. President James E. Faust, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, said: "Hold your soul very still, and listen to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit. Follow the noble, intuitive feelings planted deep within your souls by Deity." (go here to find the talk by President Faust)

I started to think about life in general and how I need the guidance of the Lord in all aspects of my life – not just in preparing a Seminary lesson.

I need that guidance as I…

  • continue to mother children who are parents themselves
  • am a wife and companion to a very busy husband and disciple
  • am a friend and a visiting teacher
  • have frequent times of loneliness
  • have the desire to control aspects of the lives of my children and forget that they are having experiences that are helping them to grow and come to know the Savior
  • am the daughter to a recently widowed mother
  • and the list goes on an on…

What is it that touches my heart this morning as I read that article? The fact that I need to remember to "Hold my soul very still" so the Lord can speak to me. I must block out the things of this world that threaten to destroy my peaceful soul and listen to the noble, intuitive feelings planted deep within my soul by a loving Heavenly Father who knows me and knows my children and my Seminary kids.

I just need to listen to the whisperings of the Spirit as I am guided as to what to teach and how to guide "my flock" to Christ. I pray that I will always be worthy to be a disciple of Christ and to be an instrument in His hands here upon the earth.


  1. Thanks for your insights. I want to be a cork!!! Miss you lots

  2. Come unto Christ. The wisest of advice, yet sometimes so incredibly hard for me to do, especially pver things I don't understand..... Thank you for the gentle reminder. And thank you for visiting....
