Wednesday, March 24, 2010

3 Nephi 12 ~ Student Teachers

Seminary was great today!  I was a little apprehensive about today but the inspiration I received while preparing this lesson was just exactly what I needed to do. 

Spring break begins after school on Friday and so the kids are getting so restless.  It is a challenge to teach and keep them engaged in it.  So this is what we did today.

We are on 3 Nephi 12.  I divided the chapter up into three parts and then three groups of kids.  I gave each group a portion of the chapter.  They had 15 minutes to develop a 5 minute lesson around their assigned scritpures. 

Group 1 had the Sermon on the Mount from verses 1-12
Group 2 had the Salt and the Candle from verses 13-16
Group 3 had love thy neighbor and perfection from verses 37-48

They did an amazing job!  I became the student, they became the teachers.  I helped them very little!  I saw their perspective on these scriptures and it was really fun. 

One of the boys (Cooper L.)  in group 3 talked about perfection but then also brought in the scriptures about being a peacemaker.  He said that finally (he had been praying for an answer to this question) after reading this scripture (vs. 39) and doing this lesson he understood - received the answer to his prayers about fighting.  He has had many of his friends ask him if members of the church are allowed to fight.  He said now he understands!  I love it!  Now he understands!  Now his prayer is answered!  He seached the scriptures and found the answer!!!  Isn't that what it is all about.  Finding the answers ~ searching the scriptures ~ having the spirit tell you that you found the answer! 

These kids are amazing.  I am blessed to rub shoulders with them everyday.  They have insights into the scriptures that are exciting for me to hear about every morning.  They try so hard to do what is right and good and to be good examples. 

I said the closing prayer and asked Heavenly Father to bless them for their diligence and to protect them from the evil influences around them every day.  I know He will protect them today.  I am grateful!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

3 Nephi

I love 3rd Nephi. That's what we've been studying the last couple of days. Yesterday and today were good discussions.

Yesterday I darkened the room ~ black plastic on the windows and the doors ~ lights out ~ eyes closed ~ then I found a recording of a thunderstorm that I had playing in the background as I read 3 Nephi 8:1-23 which are the events surrounding the death of the Savior. Then we talked about what impressed them in those verses, and how they would have felt if they had actually been there. Some of them picked up on being able to feel the vapor of darkness. Some of them would have liked to have been there to experience the destruction.

Then we read Matthew 27:45-54 and talked about what happened at Jerusalem when Jesus was crucified. We found the similarities. We read John 8:12 to help us understand why darkness accompanied His death.
We compared 3 Nephi 8:1-23 with Joseph Smith-Matthew 1:28-33 finding the similarities between the coming of the Savior to the Nephites and what is prophesied to precede His Second Coming. We talked about what we can do to be safe and be prepared for the Second Coming.

Today we continued our discussion. We read D&C 1:14 and D&C 109:22-26 to discover how or where we can find protection in our day. This was a quote from the lesson that I shared with them… Elder Lance B. Wickman, a member of the Seventy:

"Climbing atop the Mount of Olives with his disciples, the Savior prophesied the cataclysmic events that would precede the destruction of Jerusalem and his second coming. He then issued this portentous admonition to his disciples, ancient and modern: 'Then you shall stand in the holy place; whoso readeth let him understand' (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:12; italics added; see also Matthew 24:15). Latter-day revelations provide understanding. They teach that in our day, amidst strife and catastrophe and pestilence, there are two kingdoms locked in grim struggle for the souls of men—Zion and Babylon. More than once they repeat the injunction to 'stand in holy places' for a refuge from these storms of latter-day life (D&C 45:32; see also D&C 87:8; 101:16–23). Prominent among such holy places, and key to all the others, is the temple of the Lord." (Ensign, Nov. 1994, 82–83)

Then we talked about where else we can go ~ if we can't get to the temple ~ that is a place of safety ~ our homes! We talked about how to make our homes a place of refuge. They had some good thoughts and ideas ~ music ~ being a peacemaker ~ turning off the TV or computer when negative things are on them.

I read them this story "Storm Warning" by Elder Neil L. Andersen and we talked about the 4 powerful pillars to anchor us in our spiritual foundation so the tornadoes of the world will not dislodge us and carry us away.
  1. We must pray
  2. We must study the scriptures
  3. We must worship
  4. We must be willing to serve one another
I challenged them today to have an Eternal Perspective ~ make choices today based on the eternal consequences ~ how will this choice affect me eternally. I was a good story – lots of food for thought.  It was a good couple of days.

I've learned over the course of my adult life that the Second Coming is nothing to fear as long as I am grounded in the gospel, I am obedient, I follow the prophet, I love the Lord and I am striving diligently each day to do the very best that I can. The prophet says that life right now, in the latter-days, is not to be feared. And so I strive each day to live by the motto ~ Faith not Fear!

How grateful I am to have the gospel in my life. How thankful I am for my knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father. I'm grateful for the priesthood. I'm grateful for a strong, good family ~ children and siblings and parents ~ who help me when I feel like I'm falling. They always reach out to grab me. I'm so grateful for them. I'm grateful for a living prophet who talked with God and leads us into the paths of safety. I'm grateful for Seminary!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Helaman 16

We finished up Helaman this morning.  I struggled all day yesterday with this lesson.  Nothing I read or studied seemed to be the right thing.  Even the lesson is the manual didn't seem right.  I read the chapter and re-read it and still nothing.  I pondered it all day, came across an idea in the student manual and pondered upon it.  I looked at it before going to bed and then got up early this morning to see if something would come together.  I felt good about the idea from last night.  I know from experience when I struggle with a lesson like this it is because someone in the class needs something specific and I just have to be in the right mind set to hear the promptings from Heavenly Father and be His mouthpiece.  So I prayed for inspiration ~ prayed to know what to say and when to say it.  And like always, I had to prepare myself and let the Lord do the rest.

It was a good lesson.  Good discussion and the outcome of the whole day was positive.  Hopefully whomever it was that needed this lesson was in tune with the spirit. 

We talked about how the tide is turning amongst the Lamanites and the Nephites.  The Lamanites have become the righteous ones while the Nephites are falling hard and fast.  They have hard hearts, made harder by the fact that they have had the truth for generations and are failing to REMEMBER.  We talked about what the people are doing to the prophets, what they are doing to Samuel the Lamanite.  How he is being treated, what they are doing about the preaching he is doing amongst them.  They cast him out, refuse to believe.  Those who are converted leave the city in search of Nephi and are baptized.  We talked about what it would be like to have lived in the days of Samuel the Lamanite.  Then I gave them a piece of paper with this written on the top:

Ponder about what it must have been like to be a true follower of Jesus Christ at the time of Helaman 16.  Write what you can do today in your personal preparation for His Second Coming and why it is important.

Then I gave them a few minutes to write.  I bore testimony, told them I loved them and sent them off to school, I hoped armed with the Spirit!

This is some of what they wrote...
  • I think it would be very hard...much like in the early days of the church...being persecuted for what you believe.
  • Like the true believers of the Nephite time, I can choose to stand "firm in the faith" even when those around me don't support the idea.  The prophet was on the earth then and we have one today as well.  If we follow then we can be saved as those of old.  Not physically but spiritually we can be saved from Satan's grasp.
  • I think it would have been harder because the followers of the devil would have no qualms about beating you near to death. Now there's laws against it.  I will follow in his (Jesus Christ's) ways so that I can one day stand spotless before God.
  • It would have been hard to be a true follower of Jesus Christ at the time of Helaman 16.  We wouldn't have all of the resources that we have now to be a true disciple.  I have goals on this earth that will help me prepare for the second coming.
  • It would have been absolutely amazing to be a true follower of Christ.  The spirit would be so strong.
  • I think it would have been pretty scary at times...I could have died.
  • I think it would have been sweet to be there...I think it would have been hard too because there would have been much persecution.
  • Fulfilling...dangerous...eye opening
  • I think it would have been crazyily awesome to be a follower back then, as it would have it's pro' and con's compared to now.  There was more signs back then and everything so that would be easier but you might be persecuted more.
  • It would have been bad because they didn't care who they killed.
  • To prepare for the second coming I can do many things...understand the scriptures better, be a better example, love those around me.
  • It would have been more rewarding if all those around you were falling into disbelief and I stayed firm in the knowledge of Christ.  I need to be the best Mormon I can be.
  • I think it would have been earsier to be more obedient in the older times because there wouldn't be as many temptations as there are today like computers, music, tv, and school...I will try harder to be obedient with the commandment.
  • To prepare for the second coming I woul have faith first of all. Also know that the scriptures are true.  I would repent.
These kids are the greatest.  They are strong and they have courage!