Wednesday, March 17, 2010

3 Nephi

I love 3rd Nephi. That's what we've been studying the last couple of days. Yesterday and today were good discussions.

Yesterday I darkened the room ~ black plastic on the windows and the doors ~ lights out ~ eyes closed ~ then I found a recording of a thunderstorm that I had playing in the background as I read 3 Nephi 8:1-23 which are the events surrounding the death of the Savior. Then we talked about what impressed them in those verses, and how they would have felt if they had actually been there. Some of them picked up on being able to feel the vapor of darkness. Some of them would have liked to have been there to experience the destruction.

Then we read Matthew 27:45-54 and talked about what happened at Jerusalem when Jesus was crucified. We found the similarities. We read John 8:12 to help us understand why darkness accompanied His death.
We compared 3 Nephi 8:1-23 with Joseph Smith-Matthew 1:28-33 finding the similarities between the coming of the Savior to the Nephites and what is prophesied to precede His Second Coming. We talked about what we can do to be safe and be prepared for the Second Coming.

Today we continued our discussion. We read D&C 1:14 and D&C 109:22-26 to discover how or where we can find protection in our day. This was a quote from the lesson that I shared with them… Elder Lance B. Wickman, a member of the Seventy:

"Climbing atop the Mount of Olives with his disciples, the Savior prophesied the cataclysmic events that would precede the destruction of Jerusalem and his second coming. He then issued this portentous admonition to his disciples, ancient and modern: 'Then you shall stand in the holy place; whoso readeth let him understand' (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:12; italics added; see also Matthew 24:15). Latter-day revelations provide understanding. They teach that in our day, amidst strife and catastrophe and pestilence, there are two kingdoms locked in grim struggle for the souls of men—Zion and Babylon. More than once they repeat the injunction to 'stand in holy places' for a refuge from these storms of latter-day life (D&C 45:32; see also D&C 87:8; 101:16–23). Prominent among such holy places, and key to all the others, is the temple of the Lord." (Ensign, Nov. 1994, 82–83)

Then we talked about where else we can go ~ if we can't get to the temple ~ that is a place of safety ~ our homes! We talked about how to make our homes a place of refuge. They had some good thoughts and ideas ~ music ~ being a peacemaker ~ turning off the TV or computer when negative things are on them.

I read them this story "Storm Warning" by Elder Neil L. Andersen and we talked about the 4 powerful pillars to anchor us in our spiritual foundation so the tornadoes of the world will not dislodge us and carry us away.
  1. We must pray
  2. We must study the scriptures
  3. We must worship
  4. We must be willing to serve one another
I challenged them today to have an Eternal Perspective ~ make choices today based on the eternal consequences ~ how will this choice affect me eternally. I was a good story – lots of food for thought.  It was a good couple of days.

I've learned over the course of my adult life that the Second Coming is nothing to fear as long as I am grounded in the gospel, I am obedient, I follow the prophet, I love the Lord and I am striving diligently each day to do the very best that I can. The prophet says that life right now, in the latter-days, is not to be feared. And so I strive each day to live by the motto ~ Faith not Fear!

How grateful I am to have the gospel in my life. How thankful I am for my knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father. I'm grateful for the priesthood. I'm grateful for a strong, good family ~ children and siblings and parents ~ who help me when I feel like I'm falling. They always reach out to grab me. I'm so grateful for them. I'm grateful for a living prophet who talked with God and leads us into the paths of safety. I'm grateful for Seminary!!!

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