Wednesday, September 30, 2009

2 Neph 2 ~ Act for Themselves

For the past two days we have been talking about 2 Nephi 2 and trying to understand that Heavenly Father has prvided all things necessary for us to choose freedom and eternal life or captivity and death.

We talked about the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement - how they all fit together, they cannot be separated. There cannot be one without the other. Then we watched a video about the power to choose, laws, knowledge of good and evil, and opposition.

Today we discussed these questions: (I'm not going to give you the answers - search for yourself then you tell me)

1. Why must there be an opposition in all things? (2Nephi 2:10-11, 15)
2. How do laws help us gain eternal life? (2Nephi 2:13)
3. What part does Satan play in our agency? (2Nephi 2:16-18)
4. Why is it important that we know good from evil? (2Nephi 2:5, 18, 26)
5. How did we get the power to choose our own destiny? (2Nephi 2:16, 26)
6. How can making correct choices bring freedom and making incorrect choices bring captivity? (2Nephi 2:26-30)

After we discussed the questions I reminded them of the continual lesson being taught in the Book of Mormon - OBEDIENCE.

Then came the challenge - prompted by the spirit - BE 100% OBEDIENT TO YOUR PARENTS AND YOUR TEACHERS FOR 1 WEEK! The parents they didn't bauk at but when I said teachers - there was murmuring!!! So tomorrow I will add to the challenge - they must be obedient WITHOUT MURMURING!!

I challenge you as well - Be 100% obedient - in whatever stage of life you find yourself right now - 100%. I'll check in with you in a week to see if you were successful :) Good luck friends!


  1. I have enjoyed your posts, I am sharing the same great spiritual experience of teaching seminary. You have inspired me to be a better teacher and I have shared some of your posts with my class. I appreciate your willingness to share you testimony and love of the gospel with those you serve and those many miles away.
    Sister Bergeson

  2. This one has been tricksey. I am however working on the not murmuring part. That is harder than it might seem to some. Thanks for helping me to be a better person.
