Sunday, September 27, 2009

2 Nephi 2:2

Part of this scripture states: "he shall consecrate thine afflictions for thy gain".

In 2 Nephi 2:2 Lehi stated that the trials we endure
can turn to our benefit (see also D&C 98:3). Elder
Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
explained how a sense of gratitude enables us to see
our hardships in the context of our purpose here on
earth: “When we give thanks in all things, we see
hardships and adversities in the context of the purpose
of life. We are sent here to be tested. There must
be opposition in all things. We are meant to learn
and grow through that opposition, through meeting
our challenges, and through teaching others to do
the same” (in Conference Report, Apr. 2003, 103; or
Ensign, May 2003, 97).

Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the
Twelve Apostles explained that God provides
us with challenges that are designed to help us
grow spiritually: “Just when all seems to be going
right, challenges often come in multiple doses
applied simultaneously. When those trials are not
consequences of your disobedience, they are evidence
that the Lord feels you are prepared to grow more (see
Proverbs 3:11–12). He therefore gives you experiences
that stimulate growth, understanding, and compassion
which polish you for your everlasting benefit. To get
you from where you are to where He wants you to be
requires a lot of stretching, and that generally entails
discomfort and pain” (in Conference Report, Oct.
1995, 18; or Ensign, Nov. 1995, 16–17).

I especially love the part in Elder Scott's quote that says "When those trials are not consequences of your disobedience, they are evidence that the Lord feels you are prepared to grow more".

1 comment:

  1. Man, he seems to have more confidence in my ability to learn and grow that I do. I suppose everyone feels that way. I hope you are safe and fire free!!!
